Sherpa Travel

Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People, Inc.

501 (c) 3 non-profit organization


Our Vision

Mission / Vision:
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the Sherpa people in remote and rural villages of the Himalayan region through education, health care, and protecting natural and cultural resources.

These improvements will foster stewardship partnerships to conserve the richness of the Sherpa culture and their supporting natural ecosystems. Our vision is that by relieving the hardships of poverty, people will be empowered to heighten stewardship of their sustainable agricultural skills and the surrounding natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

Our Story:
The birth of the Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People begins with the focus on Wangdowa Sherpa’s home village, Phapre.

Wangdowa was born into and lived the traditional Sherpa life. He deeply appreciates his Sherpa cultural and Himalayan natural heritage. He has a deep passion and commitment to find productive ways to address the challenges of traditional Sherpa villages.

In 2011, 16 community members from California’s Eastern Sierra trekked to Phapre and visited students at a makeshift school. They clearly saw that to keep the school alive, land needed to be acquired and school facility needed to be built with ongoing support for teachers and textbooks.

After we returned home, we formed the Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People, Inc. (FHSP) to support the priority needs of Phapre Village and other such villages in the Himalaya of Nepal. We began work immediately by incorporating the FHSP, while working on filing our application for an Internal Revenue Service 501 (c) 3 nonprofit status (awarded in 2013) and ongoing efforts for collecting donations to build the school.

With donations given by Eastern Sierra Community members and Korean monk Yong Bong Lama, who lives and teaches in Nepal, we have purchased the land, formally registered the school named “Pikey Phapre Primary School” with the district government, donated textbooks, paper, and pens; and built the school. All of these efforts combined to open the school while construction progressed. There are currently some 75 students and two full time teachers. The next phase is an inauguration of the school by many of the board members who will travel (at their own expense) to the school in April 06, 2014. We are so excited and will be looking forward to sharing our experiences and photos of this momentous celebration.

Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People’s current projects are:

  • Building the Pikey Phapre Primary School in Phapre,
  • Building a clinic to provide basic and emergency health care in Phapre and the surrounding villages,

We know that the needs are many, and our hope is that our efforts will widen the circles of compassionate support to nearby Sherpa villages and beyond. As the Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People grow in experience and knowledge, this will provide opportunities to expand our efforts to other Sherpa villages faced with challenges of poverty, health needs, and rapidly escalating external pressures on sustainable resources and food security.

Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People, Inc. (FHSP) is coordinated by a group of caring, concerned people in the Eastern Sierra community to share the efforts and accept donations to accomplish projects. Donations will be accepted by board members and managed in a central account. FHSP is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit charitable organization. Your donations are tax deductible.

Thank you for your support.


Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People, Inc.
P.O. Box 363,
Lee Vining, CA 93541
Phone: 760-647-2411



School under construction

Phapre Village Gallery


Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People, Inc.
PO Box 363
Lee Vining, CA 93541


Copyright © Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People, Inc.
Friends of Himalayan Sherpa People, Inc. is a non-profit (501(C) 3) organization.